Neuro-based Data Science

In the winter of 2018, Peter asked me to prepare a data analysis course for absolute beginners. Throughout the spring, I made a rough sketch of what I wished I knew about data analysis when I was in the master’s program. The result was a 12 week course during the summer of 2019 where my students learned how to set up their work environment in python, structure their data in pandas & numpy and use matplotlib & seaborn for quick data viz.

Inspired by my time at the Neuromatch Academy Summer School in 2020, I decided to modernize the course a bit more, so absolutely anyone who wanted to learn could just hop onto Github and work through the course material. You can see the result here.

Students in SS2021 worked through google colab notebooks on publicly available datasets, and needed limited supervision as they went from one chapter to another. There’s a lot I have to add here still, e.g. add youtube videos where I give demos, and talk through some concepts. This course is a work in progress and I plan on adding more material to it after I submit my PhD dissertation.
